Contributing Wellness Columnist

Carolyn will be a Contributing Wellness Columnist for as nutrition, exercise, sleep patterns, not drinking alcohol and overall healthful lifestyle choices affect the expression of both type one and type two diabetes. Carolyn doesn’t have diabetes nor do any of her family members; however she was influenced by people she cares about. Carolyn has a B.A. from Stanford is 6’5” played USA Basketball, FIBA/WNBA former pro athlete and M.A. from USC where she focused on prevention over prescriptions for type two diabetes for her thesis. She also has CEC’s in pre and post natal nutrition, teen nutrition and fitness and many more. Visit for more information on Carolyn’s Skype yoga training, online nutrition log analysis and menu planning as well as live basketball skill development, clinics and camps. Contact [email protected].

Press Update & Discount Code

Carolyn Moos has shared her personal life story with Cosmopolitan and other links listed below and as a tribute to society progressing to accept people so they don’t feel pressure to wear a mask, she is offering a special discount to represent her support for change. Carolyn is straight, but supports the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. Links to Pride Shirts 10% off when you type in “Moos”

10% of every Pride shirt goes to the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights

Carolyn’s Story of Resilience and perspective


CNN- Piers Morgan

Summer Pro League – Nutrition Article

Article Nutrition – Summer Pro League

No Shortcuts

Professional athletes and agents want the same things. Athletes want to make a roster that has a solid record or projected high success, they want to play at a level that reflects reaching their full potential, obtain an extended contract, stay healthy, and have a prolonged career. Agents support and push to get all of the above. Why then would an elite athlete not take all steps necessary off the court to make the above true? These choices off the court include sports nutrition, strategic cross training and all lifestyle choices. One needs a formula to follow and the desire and motivation to follow that formula for all of the above to become a reality for the professional athlete.

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